international analysis and commentary
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The Red Sea as a core business for the EU

The EU is preparing to launch a maritime operation to protect commercial shipping in the Red Sea from attacks by the Houthis from Yemen. A welcome and necessary decision; and none too late, two months after the attacks started. What once…

The Atlantic needs an economic deal

The path towards a new transatlantic trade and investment partnership is strewn with obstacles, showing how hard it is to get the United States and the European Union onto the same page. Today, with globalization in crisis, objectives are…

Grafene – il sesto elemento

Nel 2024 saranno trascorsi vent’anni da quando maneggiando un pezzo di grafite, (quella che usiamo per le matite) e un po' di nastro adesivo due scienziati inglesi, piĂą tardi insigniti per il premio Nobel, hanno “inventato” il grafene. Le…